Brazilian Urban
The present work has as research subject ' ' the elements that relate the areas of interest of antropologia' ' if it points out in the field of the philosophy, the speculation on the man and its possibilities of being and acting, was born as a revolutionary and radical way of the man to think itself exactly, to surpass preconceptions, to be able to understand and to live deeply the culture of the other. The following elements are: Ethnic groups; one mentions the human groupings with similar culture, the language, religion and translations to it, implying certain homogeneity and development of strong bows of solidarity between itself. Myths; she is estria counted in a respect attitude on last events that of some form had contributed for the formation of a society or a culture. Cycles of reprocidade; ' ' Mauss arrives at the proposal of that the reprocidade, that is, the act to give and the act to receive, (or to repay), is a basic and necessary attribute in the relationship between the men. everything that a man of to another one transforms the receiver into debtor and thus it compels it to repay the gift to balance its relation. in contrast, the act not to repay a received gift implies an offence, that can result in a negative relationship and inimizade' '. Urban and agricultural society; the anthropology recognizes that it has enormous differences between the agricultural world and the urban one, the life in aboriginal villages and the cities, between the traditionalism and modernity.
In Brazil, the predominance of the cities in the Brazilian demographic panorama is a recent phenomenon, perhaps less than fifty years, when our urban population passed of 20% for 80%, and the agricultural one, the inverse one. With this the great urban problems had been appearing, since those of infrastructure and services until the ones of psychological maladjustment, discrimination and violence. The anthropology suffers of the bad feeling of that the urban life disaggregates the institutions that compose the agricultural life, such as kinship, the family, the comunitarismo, solidarity, etc., imposing a based social rhythm in the inaquality, in competition in the individualism. Incest; they adopted as basic rule for the construction of families and for the social reproduction the prohibition of the sexual relationship enters some types of next relatives, in special between father and son, mother and son, and between brother and sister. Beliefs; action to believe in the truth or the possibility of a thing, opinion that if adopts with faith and certainty, religious faith. Rites; practical set and rules and of ceremonies that if in a religion, are not mechanized, therefore it can bring up to date a myth and, thus, it follows ancestral and sacred teachings. CONCLUSION We conclude that the studies of these determined elements inside of the anthropology are the way to know the human being, to understand and to understand the beliefs and religions of each person that compose a group, people or race and to follow the varied cultures, that live in constant evolution.