Club Cadet
For: Larcio Becker, of Curitiba-PR In century III d.C., in the region of the Lycia (today, part of Turkey), a well strong citizen called ferus, Rprodo or Relicto lived to help the people to cross the river Xantos. Until one day loaded the proper Christ in the shoulders, fact this that motivated its conversion to the Christianity. Then Christophoros was baptized (Cristvo), that is, ‘ ‘ that one that loads Cristo’ ‘. As it converted many people and it died martirizado for the Romans, it was canonizado in century IV. In reason of the transport that carried through in the river Xantos, it turned the padroeiro the drivers. In Rio De Janeiro, for 1627 return, the Jesuits had constructed one igrejinha dedicated to the cult of Are Cristvo, next to the beach that gained name the same. If you have additional questions, you may want to visit movie star.
This beach was very frequented for fishing, that moored its canoes close to the door of igrejinha. As the cove that existed before the aterramento workmanships there she was propitious I row to it, and the fishing cited ones says that it, it was in a large cabin in the neighborhood of this igrejinha that, in 12.10.1898, fourteen athletes had established the Group of Cajuense Regattas. Later, the club changed its headquarters for another large cabin more ahead, in the same beach. In 12.09.1901, in reason of a fusing with the Nautical Group Union, it was changed for the headquarters of this, in Fifth of the Cashew. In 1902, it changed of name for Club de Regatas Are Cristvo. One of the biggest athletes of the CR Is Cristvo was Abraho Saliture. According to Victor Andrade de Melo, it he was ‘ ‘ one of the more important athletes most famous and of the first years of estruturao of the esportivo field brasileiro’ ‘.