Customers Dissatisfied With The Product Search By Online Stores
Stuttgart, August 2007 – the product search of many online shops has serious deficiencies. Hit lists are cluttered and their ordering is not the expectations of users. Also common to many none at all, or displayed in the worst hit, that wasn’t looking at all. A defect that should be quickly eliminated. Because about half of all online shoppers want to find products on the search. While they want a high-quality product search, which lists all relevant products quickly and clearly. Scary here is that even the search operation is still unclear to many users.
This assessment is a representative online study that was commissioned by the dmc digital media center GmbH in order. The dmc series of studies “In focus” analyse the needs of the users in the online shopping and shop operators, shows how the product search is a success factor. The customer knows what he wants and seeks direct! Looking for product information, users choose the easiest imaginable way the product search. So how we us today through the Internet ‘googled’, the user also in the online shop behave? Every second wants to find his products on the shop search as a first stop. Whereas only one-third through the shop navigation strives, a few are inspired by themes and hardly anyone is a product consultant at the destination.
The product search has thus become the main instrument of selling on the Internet and a real strategic success factor. This is increasingly no longer just for the classical shop provider but across all sectors. Because even banks, insurance companies, or car manufacturers increase the satisfaction of their clients through a user friendly search function and this ultimately will sell more. Background information: The ad-hoc study “In focus” presents results of an online survey of eResult GmbH, Gottingen, in behalf of dmc digital media center GmbH, Stuttgart. There were random in the period from July 25, 2007 and July 27, 2007 selected members (1700 persons) of the Online-access panel Bonopolis questioned, 5 issues in total were made. In focus”is published several times a year with current issues, trends and opinions related to the topic of E-Commerce and E-business. More information and registration to the newsletter from the focus”under.