Among the lifters duration of rest between sets for 7-8 minutes is not uncommon, and one of the authors of the famous publication 'Flex', testified that athletes have really huge hands are quite capable of making a break of 8-10 minutes between sets for the biceps with a barbell over 100 pounds! Principle Five: The range of 3 to 8 reps promotes maximum development of power indicators. Note: This range of reps is not only effective but also travmaopasen! Must abide by a strict exercise technique, carefully warm up in several preliminary approaches with higher reps, do a preliminary self-massage and stretching of muscles, use protective equipment (bandages, belt, and other items of equipment). Principle Six: The Abridged methodical training skate Mike Menzer, Robert Stewart Mac and Dorian Yates, who became a salvation for thousands of victims overtraining. Originators of the appearance of these victims were frequently ill-fated book Uaydera Joe and Arnold Schwarzenegger, to promote the mad schemes of the two-hour workouts, and even that contained up to 17 exercises in 3 business approach in each! Means a reduction of up to 40-60 minutes of exercise, training each muscle group only once in 7-12 days. Click Tony Parker for additional related pages. Also welcomes the fact that a maximum of six basic exercises for one Exercise 2-3 sets each, in the style of 'Highly intensive training "(HIT) really enhances the recovery and sverhvosstanovleniyu muscle, initiating and activating growth processes.
Principle Seven: Cyclic periodized workout This advanced method is particularly effective and can help to grow for those who have exhausted their potential, using all of the above principles. Systematic, good variation intensity complexes, combinations, styles of training, reps, percentages and pounds of this art was subject to only a few specialists. Your humble servant such knowledge provide an invaluable service in healing clients of the disease state of deep training 'stagnation'. Describe in full the whole principle can only work in its own capacious. Abridged version for dummies: "If you're already half presses lying 80 kg 'eight' in three sets, try to skip one week, then work week, 88 kg 'to 5' and 93 kg a week 'to 4'. The following week, again try to make a 3 approach 'to 8', but with a weight of 82.5 kg. " Principle Eight: Pumping, or weapons of steroid athlete The increased blood flow to the muscles through a series of sets or supersets, with a large number of repetitions (over 10) with low weight and short pauses.
It does not cause damage to the muscle fibers, and does not stimulate enough the degree of secretion of anabolic hormones. Therefore, for the supporters of natural bodybuilding, the principle is secondary. Pumping will help to 'natural' to improve capillarization of the muscles and get a powerful positive psychological the effect of 'pumping' as well as stretch the muscle fascia. Accordingly, the training without the use of steroids the role of Pumping to be only a few percent of total employment. For 'chemical' training 'pumping' is particularly important, because blood, overflowing with muscles, supplying them with welcome, exogenous steroid metabolites! Nevertheless, the principles of rapid growth are also important for 'chemist'. Therefore, only doing short intense power session (no more than 30-40 minutes) in the spirit of 1-7, should start as a short (20-30 minute) and intensive training in the style of 'Pumping'.