Qualitative Research
With intention to carry through a significant work and of integrated form as metodolgicos procedures, a qualitative research, followed of an investigating action and documentary analysis will be made, aiming at always to the espontaneidade of the faculty and learning. A time that to make a research from a qualitative boarding implies to understand the studied case as a whole, without dichotomy, not leaving to consider ' ' homem' ' as subject asset, that keeps relation with the world. ETAPASNOV DEZJANFEVMARABRMAIJUN Daily pay-Project x Reading and Bibliographical survey x x x Development of TCC x x Revision of the Fine TCC x Consideraes and Closing x 10. FINAL CONSIDERAES the study on the cognitivos aspects of the reading are important for searching systematization of the multiple facetas of this act that is in fact a very complex phenomenon, that if presents under diverse boardings and conceptions. The reading in its different forms and configurations fulfills to intentions and specific purposes.
From there to be reading one ' ' practical social' ' e, therefore, conditional historically for the ways of the organization and the production of the existence, for the preponderant values and the dynamic of the circulation of the culture. The school has played an important role of the insertion of the pupil in the world of the reading, even so, many times, has not obtained to make with that this pupil can become a citizen effectively, perceiving the relation between the text and the context, locating itself as a critic, a reflexive. In such a way, the development of this project of research is of so great relevance, therefore it appears with the objective of awaking in the pupil the interest of pleasant form for the reading and that the practical one of reading estimates a carried through work in accordance with objectives development metodolgico dynamic and playful, so that educating has possibilities to live deeply the most diverse situations of use of the language, making possible the internalizao of this activity of reading, that have as object the interpretation of the text in its globalidade for the magnifying of its vision of world.