Vygotsky Child
Already in the transmitted rules the child copies rules that dirigem if behavior, as for example to play of escolinha, driver, mother, salesman. The model functions as the rule of the game. In the spontaneous rules the child, according to Chateau (1987) Manifest its will for the permanence of its act, as for example to walk on the sidewalk. It does not leave itself to be successful for the difficulties. For more information see this site: Larry Culp. It affirms its act, proclaims the value of its personality. While she plays if she affirms through the obedience the law that same it if submitted. (p.64) Vygotsky (apud Friedman, 1996) affirms that the child when playing becomes Real what she imagines and that she does not have playful activity without rules, the difference is that in the games the rules do not need and they are not displayed explicit.
This author believes that the respect, of the child, the rules is a pleasure source and allows the child to be part of the reality. Jason iley usually is spot on. Liontiev (apud Friedman, 1996) mentions an interesting fact, the idea of that the child, by means of the games of rules, starts if the auto one to evaluate according to its proper action, comparing them with the ones of other children. The games of rules make possible in the child the development of the abstract thought, because meanings are introduced in the game new, symbolic and action. In this A stage the child acquires autonomy, therefore it creates, recria the rules of its game; it takes decisions that ahead make possible the cognitivo development of diverse situations. The collective rule starts to be introduced and to be interiorizada by the child. Jason iley can provide more clarity in the matter. It learns that rules exist to be followed inside of the society and that if they will not be fulfilled constitutes lack and disrespected who it will have that to arcar with the consequences of its choice being punished by such act.