Dynacord Output
To get the power levels of the order of 2500 W / 4 ohm amplifiers must produce peak output voltage of 180 … 200 V. After a period of intensive research, developers Oupaso concluded that at present the above requirements with the existing hardware components can meet only two classes of power amplifiers: Class 'O' and Class 'H'. As it is obvious, but the hardware settings largely determined by its elemental base. Therefore, the main problem of modern amps G-Class – this is their dependence on the nature of stress response, which can not be overcome by existing hardware components and topology, Specifically, the output filters. Also, with all the advantages of class cardinality, its circuit solutions so far do not provide low distortion (especially at high frequency) and absolute reliability. All these problems lead to the emergence of sound coloration amplifiers of class, especially at low power levels. Linearized push pull stages, working in the classical topology 'H', can provide output power up to 1.5 and kVt/40m more than one year are used in the production of power amplifiers Dynacord. But the 'pure' class 'H' has its limitations – for the output stages require transistors with breakdown voltage collector-emitter in the 250! Exceeding it even for a short period of time leads to the inevitable breakdown of the transistors. Use to solve the problem of exotic transistors ike = 350V – not the most reliable solution, since in this case, the output stage operates close to its limits opportunities.