Vacation in France


Service Options with fiber commercial loan optics.
The telecommunications technology FTTH (Fiber To The English of the Home), also known finance as fiber to the home, is based on the utilization of optical fiber cables and optical distribution systems adapted to this technology for the distribution of advanced services, such as Triple Play, telephony, broadband Internet and television to homes and businesses of subscribers.
The implantation of this technology is gaining strength, especially in countries like U.S. and Japan, where many operators reduce the promotion of ADSL services for the benefit of optical fiber in order to offer attractive services for broadband users (music, videos, photos, etc.).
FTTH technology offers the use of fiber optics to the home user. A fox news guest interviewer is the chief the entrust capital diversified fund investment committee The access network between the subscriber and the last node distribution can be accomplished with one or two dedicated optical fibers to each user (a point-point connection that results in a star topology) or a passive optical network (of the English Passive Optical Network , PON) using a tree structure with a fiber on the side of the multi-fiber network and user side.
Architectures based on passive optical splitters are defined as a system that has no active electronic elements in the loop and whose main element is the optical splitter device (splitter) that, depending on the direction of the beam of light splits the incoming beam and distributes to combine multiple fiber or within the same fiber. The philosophy of this architecture commercial business loans is therefore based on sharing the costs of the optical between terminals, so that it can reduce the number of fiber optics. Thus, for example through optical splitter, a video signal can be transmitted from one source to multiple users.
The star topology provides 1 or 2 fibers dedicated to a single user, providing greater bandwidth but requiring a greater number of cables with fiber optics in the communications center and a larger number of laser emitters in telecommunications equipment.
In United States highlights the telecommunications company Verizon, with investments of over 60,000 million dollars by 2010, seeking to pass 14 million homes with FTTH citation needed , SBC, with an investment of 6,000 million dollars in the next 5 years, to pass 18 million homes with FTTH citation needed and BellSouth, with an investment of 3,500 million dollars over the next 5 years to pass 8 million homes connected citation needed .
In Japan, where the rate of broadband penetration has now reached 40 of the population, there were more than 3 million households connected to FTTH in mid-2005 citation needed , and is forecast at 30 million clients for 2010, where leading companies like NTT announced 38 Bn ‘of investment in order to achieve this goal citation needed .
In France, Free has announced plans to FTTH and Fiber Cite has bought, which now offers fiber to home at speeds of 100Mbps and offering Triple Play services with an initial deployment in different districts of Paris through Nicominvest the company, while France Telecom plans to deploy its own fiber optic network with a potential market private equity for 2008. While in France, in 2009, most customers a very broad band networks are in FTTB, for Leases. Traders expect the legislation on the mutualisacion (s) fiber (s) before making FTTH more.
In Holland, the inhabitants of the town of sba loan Nuenen have built their own infrastructure for FTTH 100Mbps symmetric, since they are the first choice of its kind in Europe with regard to models of traditional telecommunications operators. KPN Telecom is preparing to extend its fiber optic network from the Netherlands and Germany with a potential market financing of more than 25 million customers citation needed .
In the UK the company NTL is conducting the necessary tests in order to offer its customers 100Mbps customers through the deployment of a FTTH network in the country citation needed .
In Spain, Telefonica made the first field trials in Pozuelo de Alarcon and Campamento (Madrid), reaching speeds of 50Mbps. Since 26 August 2008, Telefonica already offers four packages commercially Triple play on its FTTH network. Since 2005, this network deploying the first fiber to the home in the area of the mining valleys of Asturias. A capital investment of public merely by which it intends to achieve a reconversion of mining areas and depressed for years by the unsecured loan decline of the sector.

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