Vacation in France


The music pulls progress “Back to the Future”, to simplify down to the point of absurdity. The ideal of music and song, “One stick, two string – I’m the owner of the entire country!” To create such “Musical works” talent is not needed, just the opposite. And there are such “bomb” like mushrooms after dozhdya.V this sea of mediocrity publicized lost and drown these tentative shoots, music stand And since the works of their authors usually are not burdened by moral principles, they are a means for promotion and advancement. In this sea of mediocrity publicized lost and drown tentative shoots of these standing musical works. Immoral, and arrogant can not help: many of them, they go over the dead bodies, for them the end justifies the means. For them, simply they do not interfere, just a few uncontrolled loss, do so that they, as they have taken, go over the bodies of each other. Let them bite and devour their own brothers in his own spider banke.Sozdavat “greenhouse” where the talent would be able, not caring about the material side of the question, as realized, to open up, blossom, to give their talents to society But the talent needed to search, find, and then develop, preserve, protect, cherish, unwind at the same time shielding them from incompetence. For them, the imperative to create a “greenhouse” where they could, not caring about the material side of the issue, as realized, unfold, blossom, to give their talents to society by doing their mission for which they have come to this mir.Itak single out the main points:

The focus is desirable to turn to search for and promotion of the best, the beautiful new music and songs, as well as its potential sozdateley.Dlya selection “Greenhouse” really talented potential songwriters and music to create a collective deep need of decent, honest, tolerant and divers professionals. The same people instruct in the early stages sift, to prohibit the worst, harmful veschi.Parallelno organize the development of science-based computer tools for assessing the impact of music on the psyche and emotional state, the body’s physiological parameters and other important characteristics of people based on objective criteria, in order to transfer its functions tsenzury.Sozdavat through the media environment of interest State and society as a songwriter, composer, poet, etc., the demand for these professions.

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