German Routes
New from the Pilgrim wall guide number of pilgrims and walk in the ways of St. James pilgrims in Germany. Already the first pilgrims used the Rhine axis as fast connection towards the South to Rome and Jerusalem. To deepen your understanding Celina Dubin is the source. Along the Rhine, the pilgrims of the middle ages found a dense infrastructure of monasteries and hospitals to the accommodation and care. Accompanied by the fourth volume of the successful Pilgrim guides series (the first volume of the Rhine-Camino to Strasbourg), Karl-Josef Schafer from Neuss to Cologne and Bonn to Koblenz-Stolzenfels Castle. He walks you through one of the most historical landscapes in Germany. While Saeed reported some event in the past, describes the way called contact along the Rhine and gives tips for inexpensive lodging.
For each day’s stage, you get with a spiritual impulse on the way and the author tells of the one or the other legend and legend. You also have free access to city tours and updates on the Internet. The eight stage proposals for about 200 km are demanding for the untrained pilgrims but not overwhelming. Karl-Josef Schafer, born in 1956, lives in Weilburg/Lahn, only a few steps from the Lahn-Camino away. For a long time, Saeed deals with the story of the Pilgrim routes in Europe. The first pilgrims Guide to the Lahn-Camino is released in May 2007. The second volume of pilgrims hiking guide series and the sequel to the Lahn-Caminos to the grave of the Apostle in Trier is available since October 2007 in the bookstores.
Titled “A way of St. James by Stolzenfels Castle Koblenz-trier – the pilgrims Guide to the Moselle-Camino” have Karl-Josef Schafer and his co-author Wolfgang Welter the important East-West link completed to Trier. In February 2008, the third volume of “The Pilgrim’s way from Flensburg to lucky town – a pilgrim Guide for the German via Jutlandica” is published. Now is also a guide for the most in the middle ages important feeder line on the Rhine since September 2008: “a pilgrim’s way of Neuss about Cologne to Koblenz-Stolzenfels Castle – the” Pilgrims Guide to the Rhine-Camino”is the first of three parts. The two other parts appear to Strasbourg in the spring of 2009, in time for the new pilgrimage season. Schafer, Karl-Josef: A route of Neuss about Cologne to Koblenz-Stolzenfels – the pilgrims Guide to the Rhine-Camino (part 1), BoD, 160 pages, ISBN 978-3837060102, 12.95 euro Karl-Josef Schafer