Jutta Schutz
Thus the book or the press release does not become a plagiarism, should you are well familiar with copyright law and copyright. The copyright applies in the area of Anglo-American law and copyright law in Germany. A copyright law (UrhG) is a subjective and absolute right to the protection of intellectual property rights”in terms of material and immaterial ( 7 UrhG.). It comprises the sum of the law of a legal system and regulates the relationship of the author and his succession to his work. This law determines the content and the scope as well as the transferability and consequences of infringement of the subjective right.
The American right (copyright the right to copy) is a type of publishing law (Reproduktionsrecht), however, rather. It is often confused with copyright law. The it called must be the creator of the work not necessarily. He is often only”the holder of the exploitation rights. The author may be only one person. In other words, it is an author, photographer or a programmer (never a GmbH). This applies also for the European States.
In the United States and the United Kingdom Displays the (copyright sign) that a work in the copyright register is registered and deposited.