Vacation in France

Marco Nink

Fluctuation caused enormous costs, including through the loss of know-how, the reoccupation of jobs and training periods”, so Marco Nink. “Therefore investment in the emotional employee retention pay off: even small improvements are enabling high savings.” Employee engagement will be influenced also the innovation. Marco Nink to do so: it’s not about that employees bring breakthrough innovations every day. The supposedly small ideas of employees, as well as about the optimisation are important for businesses by Workflows and processes.” The study proves: emotional bound employees brought a 40.5 percent more suggestions for improvements in the last six months than their free counterparts. “Marco Nink: frightening is that almost every third emotionally unbound workers did not only your own idea in the company in the past six months.” The reason is often the Executive: only 8 percent of non-emotional-bound employees want the fully agree that their supervisor for new ideas and proposals is open. 73 percent without ifs and buts agreed in the Group of the emotional high bound. Who regularly meets with his ideas on deaf ears, resigned at some point, withdraws and no longer is”, said Marco Nink.

Leadership often cause for lack of emotional attachment the behavior of executives is a key factor in the degree of emotional employee retention: 45 percent of mobile employees but only 3 percent of emotionally high-bound employees would promptly dismissed their direct superiors, if they had the opportunity to do. Marco Nink: These people are neglected by their leadership. For example, emotionally unbound staff feel involved too rarely from their superiors.” My opinions about count seem the statement at work”fully approved only 2 percent of employees without emotional attachment. This value was the emotional high-bound workers at 71 percent. Gain insight and clarity with Ben Bretzman. We have virtually no difference in the leadership of male and female managers in the context of the gender debate. However, women score with their communication skills. You to can more clearly express their expectations to the employees and often recognize good performance”, Marco Nink summarizes. He advises companies to take the small amount of emotional up-bound employees in the workforce: this Employees work more productive, innovative and customer-oriented.” Aim companies must therefore be, to increase the share of emotional up-bound employees.

The leaders are the most important starting point. You must be aware of their own strengths and weaknesses and the people follow their leadership style, to meet the expectations and needs of their employees”, explains Marco Nink. The degree of emotional binding will be changed regardless of the initial level.” Index for Germany creates Gallup in twelve questions to the workplace and environment, the so-called Q12, every year the commitment about the commitment index Germany since 2001. The study indicates how high is the degree of emotional binding of employees and for the commitment and motivation at work. For the most recent survey, 1,920 randomly selected workers 18 years in October and November 2010 were interviewed by telephone. So you are Results representative of the workers community in Germany. About Gallup Gallup Germany is a research-based consultancy and specialist for the interface between economics and psychology. Gallup advises companies and others in the field of behavioral economics and develops future-locking strategies. With its scientifically-based tools and cross-industry expertise, Gallup contributes significantly to the organic growth of the company. More information at: Anke Piper Marketing Coordinator Tel.: 030-394051-220 E-Mail: Internet:…

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