I have always said, that to release the abductees, the only thing that is needed is that the guerrillas want them left free, that they removed the chains and shackles and they don’t pursue them to lead. We have the example of those who have escaped, even with a rain of bullets and a pack of dogs at the foot. There are many examples that are, unfortunately some have been unsuccessful and have them tortured and killed (remember the case of the men jungle, to give only one); but for fortune as an example of courage and demystification of the release of a hostage, we know examples like Araujo, Pinchao, among others. I repeat if it is true that they want to liberate, which chains remove them and let them go. Now well, than it is to give back them some dignity with a better deal: give them shoes, food and a bottle with water and simply indicate them the address where you should walk, also can guide them with their carranchines or militia, since they are camouflaged among the civil society of each region. But that guerrillas us not come to try to convince today (after having to be known internationally as terrorists), have desire for peace and are very benevolent with the hostages and their families. If it is true that the guerrilla has desire for peace and show their humanitarian acts, I already gave them formula and additionally that continue not kidnapping, but unfortunately that’s not going to happen soon, because they don’t have yet another face to show. That they redefine and take a more understandable address, where the supposed social purpose that motivates them, do not remain vile reflects anti-social, that only have earned the repudiation of the people who claim to defend. fy these questions. He let loose and free hostages, using intelligence that say they have and put an end to the kidnapping as spoils of war! No more kidnappings! Original author and source of the article