The Costs
The auditorship operational retrospect and is that one after carried through the high one of the patient, where if it uses the handbook of the patient for evaluation. In this type of auditorship, the patient is not after benefited the evaluation of the data gotten in the auditorship, however the benefit if she reverts for the assistance of global form. Already in the competing auditorship, the patient still meets hospitalized or in ambulatory attendance, being able to be carried through in 4 ways: evaluation made for the patient and its family verifying its perceptions about the given assistance; interview with employee after the installment of the care taking it the reflection; examination of the patient and confrontation with the necessities raised with the lapsing of nursing and/or evaluation of the cares in I lease; searches next to the medical team, verifying the fulfilment of the medical lapsing and interferences of the behaviors of nursing in the therapeutical doctor. In both the types of auditorship the procedure consists of the elaboration of a Auditorial plan that considers the form of accomplishment of the auditorship, being to the end of the same one elaborated a report presenting to commands of the nursing department one to seem technician on what it was auditado as well as suggestions for perfectioning of the assistance of given nursing.
CONCLUSION the auditorship has as purpose to make possible the existing efficiency of the assistenciais and administrative actions in the service of nursing for the survey of the imperfections and deficiencies and for the note of the necessary corrective measures. The auditorship in nursing can be carried through with two distinct purposes: to evaluate the financial question analyzing the costs of the assistance and to evaluate the reached results, the process of work and the results. It can be made in the diverse administrative and assistenciais activities and to have different specific objectives.