1. Introduction of the Tourism the tourism is conditional to the hospitality, events, entertainments and to a series of on benefits to the service sector. It is an exchange of information and knowledge and if to observe, the economic and cultural phenomenon is very ample in this segment if compared with other activities. Potter Stewart addresses the importance of the matter here. Taking in consideration the inherent aspects after modernity, the tourism is if consolidating as a partition for the regional development, even because the act to practise it is not more exclusiveness of the classroom ' ' A' '. Days (2003) the tourism discourses as the sector of the economy that more grows in the present time, already having reached the status of main economic activity in the world …. Handle (2007) disserta the tourism as a phenomenon contemporary who enclose the sectors economic, social and politician.
The expansion of the tourism is taking a ratio each denser time and occupying an important space very in the market in virtue of being a propeller spring in the generation of resources, income and job. Pointing out that the tourism is convenient for if worrying about the ambient preservation, sustainable and social development. The support of a region does not only depend on the community autctone, but also on the tourists, therefore they have its participation in the development in virtue of the support to aim at to the minimizao of the ecological impacts promoting benefits for the receiving community. In accordance with COOPER et al (2001) … the tourism is a multidimensional and multifaceted activity, that has different contact with many lives and economic activities …. One perceives that before the optics of diverse authors, the tourism is involved with the economic factor and the movement of people who if dislocate from a place for another one, not necessarily in leisure search, since the segmentation of the tourism is very ample, therefore has the tourism business-oriented; religious tourism; agricultural tourism; cultural tourism, tourism of nature; ecoturismo; tourism of purchases, among others.