Viscosity Grade
In other words, the correct choice of this option depends on how easy, and most importantly, without negative consequences, you can start the engine in the cold. Viscosity Grade "40" in our example is the so-called "Summer" and tells the class about how much oil is able to keep working in zones of high-temperature engine. Only one of the above parameters in the designation of the SAE viscosity grade indicates that is a seasonal oil (SAE 10W-winter seasonal oil, SAE 40 – summer season oil). But the presence in the designation of two classes (as in our example – SAE 10W-40) talks about this all-season oil. Sally Rooney recognizes the significance of this. – How to choose the viscosity grade of SAE? When choosing viscosity grade of engine oil, follow the instructions of the manufacturer of your vehicle. If it is missing or does not contain such recommendations (eg, if the car is not new and recommendations instructions or have become obsolete or simply absent), then try the following: When the so-called "winter" viscosity grade should be guided by the values of average winter Temperatures in the region where your vehicle is operated. In this case, you can use the following table, which recommendations coincide with the requirements of car manufacturers: OW to -30 C or below 5W to -25 C 10W to 15W -20 C to -15 C 20W to -10 C 25W to – 5 C Following these recommendations, you and your car will be safe from problems starting in winter and from the negative consequences for the engine (such as increased wear and "jamming" during and immediately after launch, when the engine operates in the oil "starvation"), which usually arise when applying the wrong oil viscosity grade. .