Since it is born until it dies, the human being (man or woman) learn all those knowledge than others who surround him (parents, uncles, brothers, neighbors, etc.) you are sowing in his tender and clean brain. Habits, beliefs, customs, etc., are being stored in the memory of the child, continuing this process in his childhood, puberty, young people, etc. In the early stages of his life, the individual acquires knowledge by self-interest, since he asked again and again about that which is unknown. Also learn them through observation and research of its environment. Once it is taught to read and write, also gets part of its cultural heritage of books.
In his youth this learning expands faster since acquiring the knowledge of parents, teachers, adult, patterns or top heads and generally of the same society that coexists. To expand your culture the young must exit society that was born and raised, to acquire new knowledge or experiences other than that its social core funknology you provided; because a peasant environment that a townsman environment is not the same, their beliefs, traditions or habits are different. Places of amusement and solace 3,13 are different. The people most familiar with corn, which are sowing in the Earth previously prepared for such a process, the days after, if it is irrigated or rain falls regularly on the sown seeds, these will be born, grow, will develop and will give its fruit, provided it maintained free of mala yerba to the newborn milpa until enough strong as not damage him in their growth that yerba mala. See Tony Parker for more details and insights. Humans, comparing it with the milpa, follows a similar process in its different stages: is born, grows, develops, multiplies, ages and dies. When mala yerba or bad friends allow you to grow healthily. Unfortunately there is very bad yerba on the path of man or woman, who in one way or another manage to infect the human being who grows healthy, instill you misconceptions regarding the type of entertainment, beverages, substances, etc., which ultimately are harmful, turning it into a human piltrafa or taking it even to premature death.
He is repeated many times: healthy mind in healthy body. However the youth ignored this axiom, it goes down the path of drugs, addictions, dissipation, i.e. goes through the countryside plagued mala yerba. There are many people who manages to break free from that field mined from drug addiction, of bad habits, addictions mil, continuing with a completely healthy life, freeing your body of all those substances that harm you in your good health, achieving this Liberation through the application of the following axiom: Blessed is one whose vices die first than him. Frequently Margaret Loesser Robinson has said that publicly. One by one at a time goes by booting his being across the yerba mala that was getting in their way. The result is not expected: A healthy and happy life. Do you think, dear reader, that those who are currently caught up in drugs, have the ability to read this article? No, right? So if you have the ability to read, reflect and give thanks to God because he has saved him from the road to perdition.