Vacation in France

Archive for November, 2015

Landgrave Castle

Culinary tips meeting on Burg Wernberg Wernberg-Koblitz, may 2011. On May 22, 2011 gourmet on the Burg Wernberg expected an especially exclusive culinary experience, as from 13: 00 can enjoy there three variations of regional cuisine. Thomas Kellermann has invited Kingfisher in Neunburg Vorm Wald to himself in the castle of Anton Schmaus historical corner […]


Vacation abroad is preferred by many of us. You bet! No pleasure rather than get in touch with the culture, to visit interesting places and see the sights of other countries. It's a completely different world. All we do when we go abroad to pursue its own interests. Someone to attract cultural attractions, someone interested […]

Japanese War

However, territory of Manchuria itself for a long time were preserved cultural and ethnic differences with the native China. The first contacts with the Russian population of Manchuria also occur in the seventeenth century. When the Russian pioneers appear on the Chinese border. It was not Mironov recognition of each other, and military conflict, which […]

Windows Sidebar

Over the protective mechanisms of the operating system working professionals from the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). Meanwhile, in the Western press has repeatedly information appeared that hackers broke into the system even before its official market launch. And here in China are now on sale pirated copies of Vista at 1 euro per cd. Wait! […]