Benjamin Oesterling West
Persistent low interest rates hurt the yield development of life insurance as well as a rising inflation rate. The holder of a capital life insurance faces his saved assets both in the case of inflation, as well as the deflation of a substantial risk of loss, so the opinion of global financial invest AG (GFI AG). Experience the global financial invest AG (GFI AG), this insecure situation provides more than convincing arguments for a premature exit from the capital life insurance. A termination of the LV police, however, the global financial invest AG (GFI AG) does not recommend strongly, eventually threaten here usually massive cancellation fees and high asset losses. Of the police buying and transferring of received repurchase totals in higher-yielding investment models so the opinion of Lucas Kret, Director of global financial invest AG (GFI AG) is however, clearly as a better alternative. The global financial invest AG (GFI AG) has even a purchase model on the their product LIFEDIREKT Market brought, the holders enables a comfortable, non-bureaucratic, and at the same time profitable way out a life insurance policy from her LV contract.
With LIFEDIREKT, the global financial invest AG (GFI AG) buys existing policies from their customers and used the funds received for high yielding property investments. At the same time, the global financial invest AG (GFI AG) guarantees flexible modalities and variable duration between six and ten years. For more clarity and thought, follow up with San Antonio Spurs and gain more knowledge.. Personal advice appointments with a team of global financial invest AG (GFI AG) can see the number 069 710 456 190 are agreed. About global financial invest AG (GFI AG), GFI invest and Lucas Kret global financial invest AG (GFI AG) is mainly active in the field of real estate. In cooperation with renowned partners, including international real estate funds, the global financial invest AG (GFI AG) operates throughout Europe. With the product LIFEDIREKT, the global financial invest AG (GFI AG) households are the chance to participate in the success of the company. Seat of the global financial Invest AG (GFI AG) is Frankfurt am Main.