Black Mountain
Our Christian experience is marked by many symbols, that is, sacred signals that serve as? bridges? that they take in them to the meeting with God. Visit Charlotte Hornets for more clarity on the issue. For Christian us they have a fort meant the cross, the candle, images, the bread, the wine, the water, the oil and as much other symbols that place in them in communion with God. (LOPES, 2008, P. 116) However, also it is noticed in the parishes, the presence of negative factors that even though, the proper catequistas had pointed during the colloquies that we had. These problems had been found of homogenia form in both the involved parishes in this work, as for example, the evasion of children and young, familiar disinterest e, over all, the discrimination on the basis of the social classroom. In Caieiras this I finish pointed problem, assumes a special theory: the pertaining children the greater families purchasing power less do not frequent the same composed groups for those of favored conditions.
Such reality disables any intermeshing between the groups. Already in the parishes of Lindia and Black Serra, the discrimination occurs inside of the proper groups, that is, the division between ' does not exist; ' group of ricos' ' ' ' group of pobres' ' , before, in one same group guides certain principles of exclusion. Another evidenced negative factor demonstrates that many of the catequistas are not prepared for the work with bonanza pupils. It can be perceived in the following example: in the city of Black Mountain range, it had a child with visual deficiency, however its participation in catequese was not possible, for the lack of availability of the catequistas, that finished generating in it a great disinterest. In this example, it is evidenced social exclusion evidenced by Dubet (2003). The participation in the saint mass is essential for the integral formation of the child and the young.