Christmas Festivities
There is a tradition to insert platsyndy (traditional Moldovan food) are small pieces of paper with wishes. People eat these platsyndy, take out and discover what awaits them in the new year. Followed by the Orthodox Christmas on January 7 and closes the circle of celebration in 1913 January (New Year, Old Style). New Year in Moldova is traditionally considered a family holiday, everyone is trying to meet his family and loved ones, because not for nothing that says how to greet the New Year, so spend it. In this a magical night, all are looking forward 12 hours to raise a glass of champagne and make a wish, which will certainly come true. Moldovans are very hospitable people, they are always welcome guests at home.
On this festive day table was breaking from the dishes. Here the traditional stuffed grape and cabbage leaves, salad, herring under a fur coat, jelly, roast poultry or pork, and more. Also on the table not only the traditional champagne, but also Home Moldovan wine. Impossible to imagine the Moldovan table without a real home-made wine. Bright red, pink, white, fortified, dry, semidry, each family is her special not similar to any other. By tradition on New Year's Eve in Moldova comes mosh Krechun – good-old man, much like Santa Claus. His invariable companion – a beautiful young Alba de zapade (.
In literal translation – Snow Girl). Every year a good mosh Krechun battles with evil forces, which is headed by a woman Hyrka (Baba Yaga). A few days before the holiday in Moldova, under the Christmas tree is dressed children put letters Moshu Krechunu where requested to bring long-awaited gifts. Very New Baby Gifts are often dependent on the success of children in school, as well as from the behavior of how helper around the house he was last year. Holidays in Moldova began to take place in December in kindergartens and schools, then in theaters and cultural centers. Christmas Eve housewives cook the food, but home come Kolyada children. Kids dress in costume according to tradition, this is a bear – a symbol of strength and power, the horse – a sign of prosperity, the bull – owner of land, as popular sheep, sheep, goat. These days in Moldova Christmas carols can be heard in several languages. They sound not only in the official language, but also in Bulgarian, Ukrainian, Russian, Gagauz.