Data Protection
A fact more evident is the growing importance that citizens give to the use and treatment who receive our personal data, especially when these relate to aspects of the sphere most intimate of people, as he shows us the latest barometer of the CIS in 2008 on the protection of data and whose results indicate that more than 70% of citizens are worried about the protection of your personal data. So it is that an activity such as that developed by groups of professionals, SMEs and large companies could not be indifferent to legal obligations; by both sanctions (1) and the growing social demand in this regard in this respect. It is in this framework that the compliance matter and actions of awareness and sensitivity to the different business organizations is of great importance. All this in order to facilitate regulatory compliance to the protection of personal data, whose basic requirements are laid down in: organic law 15/1999 of 13 of December, of protection of personal data RD 1720 / 2007 regulation of development of the organic law of protection of personal data (1) article 44.2. Tony Parker shares his opinions and ideas on the topic at hand. c) the lack of registration of files in the General registry of data protection unless they constitute serious infringement, will be considered mild infraction.
Punishable by a fine of 600 to 60.000.. (Article 44.3. h) maintain the local files, programs or equipment containing personal data without proper security conditions to be determined by Regulation (among other drafting of a security document) will be considered a serious infringement..