Democratic Opposition
Bergisch Gladbach – 150 days which Bergisch regards left Gladbach – Tomas Marcelo Santillan, Chairman of the group in the City Council the City Council its role in a constructive opposition to the majority of CDU, FDP and Greens. At the municipal in 2009 his young party is the choice for the first time joined and pulled directly into group strength in the City Council. Aim of the new group is the local election program, for which they were elected to engage in the work of the City Council. Jr. spoke with conviction. Their chief principle is justice for all.” In some of the amendments on the subject such as: finances of the city, municipal debt, social, sporting, day-care and to the school the living conditions of the people have they made it clear their willingness to constructively improve. Yet, the left group has especially ordinary working people and the poor and weak in the eye. We stand for a social, ecological and solidary politics.”so Santillan about the political objectives of the left in Bergisch Gladbach. The People should be enabled to participate in the design of their city.
The mission statement is the democratic civil society and civil community. In the City Council, the left sees itself as critical opposition that constructively brings their content to work. To be a democratic opposition does not mean everything”but objectively to scrutinize the work of administration and alert to control the Mayor.” says Santillan. The new group wants to get involved for the interests of citizens. Unfortunately it takes also to enforce his rights even on a court.
The right to appeal to a court is an important principle in a democratic constitutional State and applies to every citizen and of course also for their chosen representatives.”says Tomas M. Santillan. An opposition must be unpleasant for the ruling, otherwise it has not fulfilled its task and the mandate.” The leftists are confident that they will make a difference in the next four years. Some of their suggestions were already taken over by the other parties and appreciated by the administration. When asked after the political opponent, Tomas Santillan comes a little smile on the face and and then he zitert the poet of Miguel de Cervantes: If the dogs are barking, it’s because we gallop. “.”