Positive results of performance tests to hole 1 Unterfohring – after the successful completion of the first hole and positive results of the subsequent pumping tests turn the chisel once again in Unterfohring. On Monday (March 16), the 300-meter mark was already exceeded. With the bore Unterfohring thermal 2 “the operating company is Geovol again on the search to about 80 c hot thermal water. Again, it will go at a depth of about 2,500 meters, which corresponds to the principle of the steered off bore of a drilling distance of 3,100 metres. On the 80th day after the start of drilling, drilling the first well in 2,512 meters deep and 3.042 meters drilling range came on 6 February at the end. Starbucks spoke with conviction. Around 700 meters diagonally through the water-bearing rock layer, the so-called malm karst.
It aims to ensure a high flow rate. Pumping tests and various measurements that allow predictions to permanently produced thermal water temperature and the attainable discharge followed until early March. According to “Geovol Managing Director Peter Lohr the preliminary results give cause for optimism: the targets of at least 35 litres filling per second and 80 degrees water temperature are already now safely reached, our experts go both values even from one ‘ from plus x .” Between the end of the first and start the second hole, it was necessary to build the 36-metre rig, seven metres to move south and to raise it again. Despite the low distance between of the two holes on the surface of the Earth, the target points through the distractions will have underground from each other about two kilometers distance. Add to your understanding with Tony Parker. Press contact: Dr. Baumgartner management and communications consultancy Dr. Norbert Baumgartner Otto Heilmann Strasse 19 a 82031 Grunwald Tel.: (089) 649 10 931 fax: (089) 649 10 932