Epilasik Surgery
A laser eye LASIK surgery can short sichtigkeiten up to approx.-10 Dioptrin, Rod sichtigkeiten until about 4 Dioptrin and wide sichtigkeiten to about + 4 Dioptrin correct. There are now since the establishment of the first procedure for laser eye surgery at the end of the 1980s the Act was implemented, many other treatment options in this medical field. So, patients who correct their vision through a laser surgery would allow can choose between the iLasik, the Femo-LASIK, the Epilasik, the PRK Lasik and LASIK surgery. A laser eye LASIK surgery can short sichtigkeiten up to approx.-10 Dioptrin, Rod sichtigkeiten until about 4 Dioptrin and wide sichtigkeiten to about + 4 Dioptrin correct. Such eye lasers are insufficient LASIK operations for higher vision defects. Instead of this photofraktiven intervention, only intraocular operations can ensure that the refractive error will be corrected. These operations then called Bioptics. Of course you can the success of an eye laser LASIK surgery does not guarantee, also if is the Medicine is constantly evolving and latest technologies are used.
So can a laser eye LASIK surgery as adverse optical effects to any surgical procedure occur. As well as the traditional risks, which is not only a laser eye LASIK surgery, but also any intervention other causes. For example, an eye laser can have a worse contrast vision with LASIK operation. Then, the affected patients at nightfall can see only a limited respectively in the night. Also occur often so called halogens or glare. Here there is the image that will be perceived by the patient, durable halos or shine effects.