Vacation in France


School in the interior of the Maranho does not have chair nor sanitary In the Municipal School New Cana does not have water through nor division for stage of learning. Of so needy, we are not nor if it wants excluded. Above or below of the line of the equator, Certainly below of the line of the misery, we are not the forgotten ones, We are the ones that had been never remembered, Those where the shout nor if wants is suffocated, Because we do not have force for an shout. Those that nor if wants are explored, Because we do not have nothing to be taken, Are these of the useless misery.

Of so needy, we are not nor if it wants excluded. Our moan of pain is sultry, For our proper weakness. We do not bother nobody Because nor if it wants we exist the sufficient to bother. We do not have the luxury of being classified In any social classroom, We are those without statisticians, We are those that nor if want are rejected; So that we fossemos rejected Would be necessary before we fossemos visas. We are not those that are ignored, do not look in them with indifference, Simply we are not nor if it wants looked at.

We are not the Jeca Armadillo of Lobato Hunter, Because this is classified the least one, We are these incapable ones to explain proper pain, We are these that nor if want were abandoned the proper luck, Because we do not have nor luck nor bad luck. If we exist, if it is that we exist, we do not bother the sufficient to be seen, do not have voice, we do not have shout, we do not have tears, In us everything is so dry as this soil. We do not have the horizon of the men who dream, we do not have the nightmare of the men who dream, We are only bodies planted, and our pain has not moaned, Then it looks in my eyes, Then it looks in my disfigured face of sufferings. What it sees in my body is not marks of the time, Because nor if that we are estagnados, We are very below of this In they had not denied nothing to them, in had not offered nothing to them, Because still nor if it wants we were seen. In they had not asked nothing to them, because we do not have voice. They had not restrained in them you are welcome, because our shout already is silenced By our hunger and our weakness. My God, my God If you are the father of all man Because it placed in them here. Sir, I do not know of your mysteries Men, I do not know nothing of your badnesses. OCTAVIO WAR J.

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