Hamburg Firms
The result is then Lawyer costs by approx. 155,00. The AG Hamburg justified his decision saying that the ratings of the legislature, which already have been entered in the Bundestag, at present after a decision in such a copyright dispute been well must be taken into account when searching by the courts. The AG of Hamburg has done so. This turn in all file-sharing cases is so gratifying, so I remind however that all the Deckelungsversuche of the legislator and also of the AG Hamburg only refer to the legal costs of the industrial firms. In plain language, this means that the industrial firms will send cease and desist letters from a total value of more certainly continue to 300.00 and more as a classic warning because of illegal downloads in online file sharing networks consists of three components.
The industrial firms such as e.g. Waldorf Frommer and Rasch lawyers require e.g. lawyer costs, claims for damages and the levy a punitive injunctive / Declaration of commitment. The capping refers only to Attorney’s fees, so calculating the lump sum compensation scope for the watchdog Office is upstairs. I firmly assume that this room is fully exploited by the industrial firms at the expense of Internet users. It be so in the future even if also significantly reduced warnings due to sharing of the common industrial firms are being sent.
In this case I ask you urgently to observe the following guidelines: note no contact with the watchdog Office to sign the often very short selected period take you anything and you pay anything before you get not expert advice a lawyer specialized in copyright you idly have, otherwise an interlocutory court proceedings threatens with legal costs by far more than 2.000,00. download not a pseudo-modified cease and desist from the Internet. These are often right modified, for the layman is not to determine whether a cease and desist was actually properly modified or just not. In the event that the cease and desist is incorrectly, enormous consequence risks threatening you. Let is help! We have to do every day with the industrial firms and can help you well.