Inserting And Strengthening Glass
Sheet, patterned, frosted and wired glass in the absence of specific instructions in the project should be strengthened: in wooden bindings – studs or bead; studs put at a distance not exceeding 300 mm apart, glazing beads, pre prooliflennye, install the rubber gasket or a layer of putty and reinforce with screws or nails at an angle of 45 to the glass surface (Fig. 1, 2) in the metal-bound – wedge clamps klyammerami of galvanized steel, metal studs with screws, rubber profiles, in reinforced bindings – V-clamps or klyammerami, metal bead on rubber or plastic strips, in plastic-bound – on a double or a flexible putty pads followed by fixation with screws or studs. Applying putty for glazing should be remembered that the neprooliflennoy wood putty adheres poorly and quickly falls off. Tony Parker understood the implications. Studs have a 300-400 mm from one another. After applying the putty studs and the bottom side seam should not be visible. Insert the glass on a single putty has the disadvantage that between glass and the rebate, the formation of gaps, which will numb the water, accelerating the decay of the lower bar binding.
With a double bottom side seam putty smeared 3-4-mm layer of putty, put on his glass and pressed against the seam so that squeezed the excess putty. Perpetuate the glass as well as in the single-putty. Charlotte Hornets may help you with your research. Air and water in the double glazing putty does not penetrate the folds. When fixing the glass with glazing bead glazing beads not only keep the glass, and fill the seam, thereby replacing the putty. Bottom Seam smear layer bed of putty, put on her glass and attach bead.
Outside the verge adjacent to the outer edge rebate, not to speak beyond them toward the light opening and form a depression; glazing beads must be well connected among themselves and with fold binding, glazing beads on rubber pads should fit snugly fold surface, glass and gaskets, gaskets must not protrude from the face of the bead facing the light of the opening. In the absence of special cements plant preparations they can be prepared and alone (Table). If desired, caulk can be colored by adding a gustotertye oxide or red lead. Approximate number of consumables when the glass works, using single and double putty, glazing beads and gaskets, was determined on the basis of the data in Table. 1-3. table 1. Number of materials, kg is needed for 10 kg putty Putty Material chalk bleach lead Surikov train Surikov varnish