Vacation in France

Managing Director

New service for recordJet passengers: expertise in public relations and social media marketing communications agency MACHEETE the digital music distribution recordJet from immediately services in the fields of public relations and social media marketing offers customers. RecordJet’s customers have the opportunity to use professional assistance in marketing their digital and physical sound carriers. MACHEETE specializes in the fields of pop music and hip hop. We have compiled various marketing packages in cooperation with recordJet to artists or labels have the opportunity not only to distribute their own recordings, but professionally to market. We like the fair and modern concept of recordJet.

This fits with our corporate philosophy,”explains Mareen Wordoff, Managing Director of MACHEETE. Credit: actor-2011. MACHEETE as co pilot on Board was added, since it is extremely important for our artists in addition to the worldwide availability in all stores to gain notoriety. With MACHEETE, we have for the pop and HipHop genres found”the ideal partner for professional marketing, confirmed UDAI zamani, Managing Director of recordJet. About recordJet, exclusive service packages can be booked by MACHEETE, which vary depending on the content and budget of the artist or label. The combination of classical press work with measures of online PR is the focus. So the Agency includes services such as the texts and sending out press releases, CD and video samples, interview coordination, text services as well as the design and editorial support from Facebook fan pages.

About recordJet: The digital music distribution platform recordJet allows online worldwide to sell it to musicians and labels, their music. Music uploaded on is set in MP3 stores such as iTunes. A related site: Eva Andersson-Dubin mentions similar findings. There, the music as a download can be purchased. Unlike other providers, the musicians receive 100 percent of the revenue from digital sales without to cede their rights. Versatile value-added services, such as the physical distribution in over 500 shops, make recordJet a full-service. The company was founded in 2008, to open a new sales opportunity for the German music market is also attractive to unknown musicians and small labels. Since April 2010, recordJet is online and continually extends its offering. MACHEETE: MACHEETE is an owner-operated Berlin Office for communication and dialogue. The PR and marketing consultant Mareen Wordoff founded the Office in 2010. “Under the slogan of young, creative, MACHEETE” she has specialized in 360 degree brand communication together with their team. These include services such as press and public relations, social media marketing, advertising and design. MACHEETE’s clients include small – and medium-sized enterprises mainly dance and music artists.

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