Manuel Rodriguez Mendoza
As I continued experimenting with new poetic forms, and even came to have a book ready for printing, which was to be titled Epistles and poems. This second book was never published either: it would have to wait until 1888, finally appeared with the title of First notes. Also tried his luck with the theater, and came to release a book entitled Every sheep … which had some success, but today has been lost. However, life was unsatisfactory in Managua and, advised by some friends, decided to sail for Chile, to where it departed on June 5, 1886. (Wikipedia) first arrived in Chile, Dario lived in very precarious conditions, and also had continuous humiliation endured by the aristocracy of the country, who despised him for his little refinement and the color of their skin. However, he came to make some friends, as the son of then President of the Republic, the poet Pedro Balmaceda Toro.
With the support of this and another friend, Manuel Rodriguez Mendoza, whom the book is dedicated, managed Dario published his first book of poems, Burr, who appeared in March 1887. Between February and September 1887, Dario lived in Valparaiso, where he participated in several literary competitions. Back in the capital, he found work in the newspaper El Heraldo, with whom he worked between February and April 1888. In July, he appeared in Valparaiso, with the help of his friends Edward Poirier and Eduardo de la Barra, Blue …, the key book of modernist literary revolution had just begun, writes Emelina, sentimental novel, destined to participate without success in a literary contest.