Vacation in France

Marcelo Fernando Castro

When it is going to Italy, it is true that there are too many beautiful, historical cities to visit, of course starting with Rome, the dream Venice, Florence, Milan, as large cities, but there are small that you can get to it by all means, as it is the case of Brindisi that can be made by air, as I have had to do, but I’ve also done by train, but also very good road and by sea. The history of Brindisi is closely linked with the direct and coming from the nearby Greece flows that have influenced the styles and traditions of these wonderful areas both East. Brindisi (Italian: Provincia di Brindisi) is a province in the Apulia region, in Italy. Its capital is the city of Brindisi. It has an area of 1,839 km2, and a total population of approximately 500,000 people. There are 20 comunes in the province. To the extent that one going knowing Brindisi, going passion what has been represented in its history for Italy, also hosted hostel for Allied troops to the Adriatic, during the first world war. as a main port, but in particular those who we identify and passionate history ancient of Italy, that country, which has been we cannot ignore the role of Brindisi, which I represent in the Roman Empire.The Empire that most influence tube in this city was the Roman, therefore is understood because presence in large quantities of Roman columns of the centuries I and II century BC, as well as capitals, bas-reliefs, there are also many Roman ruins.

To understand a little more about the history of this city must visit the archaeological museum and its large supply. The Museum has large collection, Hellenic and Roman statues. Without However, Marcelo Fernando Castro describes it very well when indicated, that this quiet and beautiful city, this well located to the South of Italy on the shores of the Adriatic Sea and is characterized by its enormous natural harbour that allows trade in the Mediterranean which Phoenicians were.

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