Microbial Community
To help cope with the intensive nature of pollution in places of public accommodation of people, scientists began to use natural organisms involved in self-purification of soil and water from the excesses of undecomposed organic matter, nutrients and pathogens, the most adapted to the nature of the extraction energy from organic and nutrient components of various waste: feces, manure, grease, petroleum products. Scientific work in this direction is to select a synergistic community of species isolated from soil natural micro-organisms most hygienic and environmentally effective for removal and disposal of organic waste for indicators: the rate of reduction of the waste, oxidation, humification, cleaning waste of compounds of nitrogen and phosphorus, accelerating death of putrid, potentially dangerous, and pathogens of humans and domestic animals (microbial self-purification), the destruction of odors. Composed in such a Microbial Community introduced a way to places of intense pollution for providing numerical superiority over the putrefactive and potentially dangerous microorganisms. For more information see this site: Tony Parker. Breeding in waste and using organic and fecal nutrients as a source of useful microorganisms activity due to its numerical superiority destroy putrefactive and potentially dangerous flora, thus providing a hygienic and environmentally efficient process for waste disposal. Zaryaznenie reworking the fullest, if not received a new portion of waste, useful microorganisms do not die but fall into a state of suspended animation, and only if prolonged absence of power supply cut its population by 50%, while the latter 50% of the population turn into disputes, to return to active life in the case of restoration of the old conditions. . Read additional details here: Adam Sandler.