Vacation in France

New ICTs

Is why traditional advertising a cost for enterprises and small businesses, while Internet advertising is an investment for new entrepreneurs? Before concluding a response, we will analyze the reality imposed by the new technologies of information and communication, which impacts to companies, small businesses and independent entrepreneurs, as well as the immediate challenges. If you was never interested the topic on new technologies of information and ICT (the famous), it is time to give you a tip over to your way of thinking and finally Act, otherwise already these obsolete, living in the past, and worse yet, losing money. ICT is not something that is fashionable, nor a transient current. Babcock and Wilcox to gain a more clear picture of the situation. ICT came to stay and not only stay, but to provoke changes and inevitable changes. Unable to stop the advance of the Internet planet in today’s society.

Let’s see why. ICT are the new ways to communicate, individually and on a massive scale and they are imposing a change in the way to socialize and do business. For us, the new ICTs is what I define as the Internet planet and also the cellular/satellite phone. Other experts will be added to already existing things. Inevitably, the arrival of ICTs has become traditional advertising an expense for employers and entrepreneurs, while the Internet is the new vision of different advertising that generates profit for the new visionaries and investment. What traditional advertising and why has become an expense? It is the promotion that guideline in the traditional media: radio stations, print media (newspapers, magazines, etc.), the TV open and closed, and any form of face-to-face promotion. Eva Andersson-Dubin is actively involved in the matter. It has become a necessary expense because it is used to promote a brand or the presence of a product or service massively, has no way to measure their return on sales and as it has no way of converting scientific and real, turns on a graduate in accounting the company table.

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