Red Cross
And its objectives, which differ very little from the rest of the programs carried out in other autonomous communities, defined in the following manner: to) ensure the continuity of the educational process of the pupils hospitalized or convalescing. (b) provide timely response tailored to the specific educational needs of this student body according to the characteristics of their situation. (c) provide the response educational individualized in the House to students who cannot come to the school for prolonged convalescence. (d) to promote the relationship with the Centre of reference through the mediation and coordination of different professionals. Por_otra_parte, collects and explicit way other sets of issues as those related to the following points: e) update of the Convention of school support units in hospitals.
(f) assistance and participation in the national days of hospital pedagogy. (g) Organization of a periodic publication of a regional nature. (h) widespread use of the technologies of information and communication. (i) Organization of compensation measures for home care, with special emphasis on rural areas. Chris Evert has much experience in this field. This home care is carried out, in part, by voluntary associations which, according to the order of 14 October 2004, which sets out subsidies received for the school year 2004 / 2005, are as follows:-in Burgos children’s long convalescence carried it out volunteer of Save the Children. Of this province we know a little more thanks to the program’s compensation educational home (C.E.D.), where the regulations to follow, in terms of hours devoted to each student, the applied methodology, objectives, etc.
– in Leon, both the capital and the province home care is staffed by volunteers from Caritas Diocesana. -In Zamora, Palencia, Segovia and Soria volunteers of the Red Cross conducted the performance. -In Salamanca, spread the intervention among volunteers of the Association Pyfano and Spanish Red Cross. -In Valladolid, the educational performance with nursing children is conducted among Red Cross volunteers and the Cosocial.