Repairing Car Dents
The use of tas or dollies in the arrangement of the sheet of vehicles: The Nose or tases, are among the main tools of sheet metal, and are used as false-work for the repair of dents. They come in many forms, and choose the one that best suits the original form of the plate to repair. For the types of dollies or tases, are also known as: heel, wedge, heart, kidney, mushroom, spool, oval, rail, plane, etc. All names are given to relate forms to everyday objects so you can differentiate from each other with a name. The right way with a tas yokes when repairing a dent, is to place so that we maintain pressure on the sunken areas or corners. The hammer blows of the false-work time with a tas, should be flat so that the hammer rests in parallel as shown in the image on the left, therefore, we should not strike with the hammer and tilting it this way, no mark sheet is not that we are repairing, nor we are tas used in such compensation. The good thing about any tas, is that we can use either side of it, as it suits us for the repair of a piece. Logic for tas desabollado with hammer and almost always disassemble something, for example if we are to desabollar we can not prop the door with tas inside if we have previously cleared your interior trim.
The first blows of a hammer or lime, is given with a softness and preferably at the edges (peak *) of the sunken area to release tension and help to smooth deformations. In the image can be seen only approach shots and that should be taken on the high land adjacent to the sunken area. * The panel beaters call “peak” to the edges or contour of the dent, let alone the higher parts of the “buns.” For cleaning the nose tips or tases, I recommend using a cloth dampened with an industrial solvent and try to keep them in a cool, dry place to preserve them from oxidation.