Scientific Articles
For the elaboration of the research it was necessary to consult scientific books, articles and too much scientific works that contemplated pertinent subjects to the directed process of nursing the patients with pneumonias. For the collection of data a revision of the literature of publications in the area of health through the consultation of scientific articles and books concerning the subject in the period of October was effected the December of 2010. The described ones chosen had been: Nurse, Pneumonia, Process of Nursing, Hospital, To take care of. ANALYSIS AND QUARREL OF THE DATA PNEUMONIA: DEFINITIONS AND DATA EPIDEMIOLOGISTS Defining, pneumonia is an inflammation of the inferior respiratory treatment. In this revision, we will approach the pneumonia of infectious origin. One is about a sufficiently frequent illness, despite its real prevalence is unknown, in virtue of not being of obligatory notification.
It is standed out that they occur of the twelve (12) forty (40) cases for a thousand (1000) inhabitants, year and, of these, about 80% are treated in house (5). still the pneumonia can receive classification according to anatomical point of view as a process to lobar or to lobular, alveolar or interstitial, even so the classification of the infectious etiology according to vain or proven pneumonia is more excellent to the diagnosis and treatment (6). The biggest incidence of acometimento for pneumonia is observed in the age extremities, having been the distribution relatively of homogeneous form, in the interval of the five (5) sixty (60) years of age, in individuals previously hgidos. Mortality for pneumonia if relates with the etria band and the presence of co-morbidade, being bigger in the age extremities, reaching about 20% in that they need internment and 46% in the aged ones with more than eighty (80) years (7). The disease in question brings many comprometimentos to the physiological functioning of the respiratory device, that in turn rees-echo in presentations of signals and symptoms that can in such a way be located how much sistmicos of form to propitiate that the acometido individual needs clinical cares of a multiprofessional team, where as much the nurse as the too much members of the nursing team and other professionals is involved in the hospital assistance.