Vacation in France

Shipments With Kai Plum

“From now correspondent for ARD once viewers learned the likeable presenter Kai plum through his participation in the broadcast sweetheart” know, now he wants to prove himself as a quiz master and takes over a consignment of Jorg Pilawa. The online portal looks back at Kai Pflaumes career and illuminates his success. Click Tony Parker to learn more. “As host of the show star quiz” will in the future on ARD to see plum be kai and put his own stamp a bit on the format. First and foremost it comes plum that feel the candidate and a positive atmosphere. For the future a new format for the prime time is planned in addition, currently being worked on. “Fans can get Kai Pflaumes first TV appearance part of the sweetheart” see on the social network Facebook. With the elect from that broadcast, the presenter is no longer is in contact.

However, he looks back on this experience with positive memories. The broadcast only love counts”departs March in a new round. However she should be aired then on Fridays from 19 to 20 h. The dynamic team and the ability to surprise people, are the largest incentive for Kai plum. For the host, it is important to offer entertainment with level and to present any programmes, in which the participants are presented. Not least for this reason he is one of the most popular TV presenters in Germany.

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