Shopping Portal
News from the admin AG with the introduction of the MindStar Deluxe and the brand-new shop category books waiting for the Wilhelmshaven Ccwe AG equal with two new features and expanding so the online shop. In a few years, the printed book of the past will be part of. The forecast was, as some time ago, the so-called eBooks\”came on the market. Prophecies of doom despite enjoys the printed book of but still very popular. This trend has the Ccwe AG is now also taken into account and the category newly recorded books in the range of online shops. The new category offers customers but not only classic printed books, but also audio books, movies, calendar and much more.
Books are also thanks to the Harry Potter hype as the trend. The Ccwe AG is always striving to provide their customers with new trends and innovations. Therefore we have decided, books in the shop to include the category and will continue to develop in the course of time after this\”, the head of marketing shares Wiebke Janssen with. The second new feature, with which the admin AG waiting, concerns the MindStar. The popular shopping concept is enhanced for registered customers to the Mindstar Deluxe.
Deluxe = luxury = expensive? The Ccwe AG, here it doesn’t Deluxe = MindStar = bargain. MindStar Deluxe is the latest stage of development of the popular MindStar shopping concept. In the MindStar Deluxe users as opposed to the normal MindStar are not responsible, but five articles at the absolute bargain price to choose from. The articles offered rotate continuously, so that the user can get daily lots of bargains. But beware: uberbestellte or the sold items without replacement cancelled. Orders are possible only in the existing number. The free version of Midnightshoppings is also taking into account the Mindestbestellwertes with the MindStar Deluxe. To get access to the MindStar Deluxe, the user must register only in and get after logging in the area Account\”access to the MindStar Deluxe.