Student Activities
The students help offers a special advent calendar Gelsenkirchen, November 2012. The students help once again presents an advent calendar of a special kind this year: instead of chocolate advent every day a learning tip there. Just before the Zwischenzeugnissen, the alternative advent calendar is so perfect for all those students and students who would like to use the pre-Christmas period, before the Christmas holidays to refresh more knowledge or to use the good intentions even before new year’s Eve. The students help advent calendar provides compact knowledge: motivation tips, the most effective learning strategies and professional tricks to relaxed exam preparation from its almost 40 years of experience the students help put together the 24 best study tips. Every day in December, there is a new tip on and on students help until Christmas.
The advent calendar of student aid offers at the same time entertainment and added value without calories. All information about the offer of Students lacking the students help locally or on the Internet at and students help. On student aid: Student aid is one of the leading providers of qualified education and tutoring services in Germany and Austria as well as Germany’s third largest franchise system. For almost 40 years, it offers individual tutoring in small groups of three to five students. The students help offers support in all major subjects for all classes and types of schools. Qualified and motivated tutor individual care of each student and help him to improve his services permanently. This is also a scientific study of the University of Bayreuth.
The student assistance promotes at 1,100 locations more than 75,000 students per year. As important private training providers, the student aid provides a wide range which includes also exam preparation and holiday courses in addition to tuition. A quality management system, certified according to DIN EN ISO 9001, is designed to achieve maximum quality and customer orientation. The students help is premium partner of DeutschlandCard.