Sublime Edward Cullen
' ' I was anxious to try of new; to act with imprudence showed to be better of what I thought. The side trick could leave. Perhaps I had found a form to generate the hallucinations? this much more important age. … ' It goes for the house of Charlie' , it commanded the voice. To its mere it astonished me beauty. Celina Dubin: the source for more info.
I could not leave that my souvenir if lost, any that was the price. … Had of being this the prescription for hallucination: adrenalin more danger more dullness. Some combination similar to this, of any modo.' ' (MEYER, 2008, p.151, 152, 153) In the stretch above, removed of New Moon, Isabella it starts if to recoup of its picture of depression, but it still more strengthens the notion that the life alone was valid the penalty to the side of Edward. ' ' alucinaes' ' the one that it mentions itself is the echo of the voice of Edward in its mind, that it judges to hear to if placing in danger. Repetidamente, it risks its life to only hear the loved voice of its. If Bella has byronescos moments, Edward is the proper personificao of such characteristic.
It abandons the loved one for its well, but it suffers you are welcome to such point for it that, when hearing that it dies, it also searchs it to die, certain of that the life without its loved not value. This trace strong marked in Edward more will be explored in the next item to quarrel. 2,5 Fusing of the Grotesco and the Sublime Edward Cullen is, to place in simple way, the perfect representation of this characteristic romantic. While Isabella seems to run away from this trace in particular, since even though as vampira it has a bigger resistance to the temptation to kill, Edward if culprit for everything of wrong feels that he happens with those with who if matters for if judging a monster.