The Present
When it is prolonged, it means that you live under constant dissatisfaction work (or personal). Recommendation: cry if you not got the ascent you both want, if the project that you took out did not planned results or if you’ve visited 30 customers and all you said that not. But then grab a tissue, dry your tears, frees the pain this caused you, otherwise you’ll start to perceive the world full of bitterness and you paralizaras, making the problem worse.Embarks on a new beginning but applying a different formula. Don’t do the same because you’ll get the same results. If this step is difficult for you, ask for help. Result: you reflejaras an optimistic and creative leadership. Gain insight and clarity with Sela Ward. 4.Preocupacionpermite concentrate all your abilities and creativity in a challenge or problem resolution.
You’re constantly worried, if they perceive too many situations or labour or personal challenges as circumstances on which you don’t have influence or control, so it is likely that you’re under constant stress or anxiety. Recommendation: faced with a challenge or problem, take a time to think about their possible causes and solutions. Well defined your strategy and undertake the required paths that dictate you your experience and common sense. Concentrate in the realization of the actions that you decide. Although it seems contradictory, I recommend that you psychologically free the result you expect. This will come to you as result of the actions that you perform now, in other words, I want you to understand that the quality of what to in the present will configure the quality of your future. So you want to concentrate on the current action is about what you have real control. Result: you ejerceras a calm, free and more creative leadership. 5.Apatia / motivation / desidiEstas emotions have the function to let you know that you’re disconnected, that tasks that you do not have real meaning for you or that along the way they have left to have.