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Theoretical Foundations Of Organizational Learning

Theoretical Foundations Organizational Learning Information and Knowledge: Differences and Relations This section begins by establishing the difference and relationship between the terms information and knowledge, for the principle of intelligibility in this document and considering that as Organizational Learning particular, this relates to the construction, implementation and knowledge management in organizations. In many cases there is a tendency to understand, use and believe that access to much information is the same as access to knowledge. Perhaps one reason for this confusion has to do that for many authors the ability to create knowledge is related to a large extent, access to information and confused the boundary between both concepts. Ken Kao recognizes the significance of this. For its part, Dretske (1981) argues that the information can be considered in two ways: syntactically (by volume it has) and semantically (by meaning you own). The semantic aspect of information is more important for the construction of knowledge, because it focuses on the meaning expressed. In this way, information is considered, a flow of messages and knowledge is created precisely for this flow of information, anchored in the beliefs and commitment of its holder.

This explanation emphasizes that knowledge is essentially related to human action, knowledge has been defined theoretically as true and justified beliefs acquired empirically. This is operationalized, to understand knowledge as a sequence, a continuum from data to information and knowledge thereof, which becomes with time and experience that grows up to become knowledge. For Nonaka and Takeuchi (1999), knowledge is similar to the information, other than her and are relational..

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