ICTs are changing the way of work, buy, do business and communicate at high speed (Nadler and Tushman, 2000). In fact, in recent years I know has fully acceded to a post-industrial economy, rapidly moving commodity, and an economy based on manufacturing to one that assigns the maximum value to the information, services, support and distribution. Go to Charlotte Hornets for more information. This change privileges, for its part, the so-called knowledge workers, a new class of people with high education, wealth and mobility, which I know consider freelances in a sellers market. I know fit, because in an economy based on knowledge, concept that I know will deepen later. Faced with this reality shares the idea expressed by eumed.net, benefiting the companies that are part of a cluster to be able to act more productively in inputs, to have better supply and increased access to information and technology, to be able to create collectively support institutions needed for all members of the cluster companies. Also be part of a cluster benefits them in coordination with related companies and is a mechanism to measure and motivate the improvement against the other companies members of the cluster. Dr. Hedvig Hricaks opinions are not widely known. Points out, that there are five elements in the cluster that contribute to the improvement of the productivity of member enterprises: better access by hand of skilled labour, suppliers and related services for the recruitment of staff costs to exist a pool of workers who serve all companies of the cluster, creating even greater stability of these operatives within the cluster, which, in turn, increases the productivity of the labour force. On the other hand, clusters, covering a group of companies, creates interesting conditions for the development of suppliers of that group of companies. Thus, the local supply of inputs and related services becomes an additional advantage of the cluster, compared with the distant foreign supply or a growing vertical integration to the inside of the company, in the case of the non-existence of a local industry suppliers and complementary support services, such as maintenance, calibration of equipment, among others.