Twine Literature
Of – the edge, in this stretch, for double interpretation: the author mentions the loved person to it, illuminated for the moon; or to the plants, to the sugar cane-of-sugar, source of income and suffering of one people? A time that the heading and the text leave a detached religious question, is not clear the intention of the author with the term ' ' amor' ' , a time that if perceives religious and social intentions in the poetry. Continuing with the analysis, ' ' has war and has war/Has war in ar' ' , one mentions the thunders to it of the fogos of artifice, burnt in the religious parties, mainly. leaves the open question of the war of day-by-day, of daily of work, without it can have claim, being the suplications exclusively to the conjuncts, to air. In the last part: ' ' Good night gentleman and senhora/Eu I arrived agora/Me gives ateno/Em this fire world and of guerra/O saint of the land/Has callus in mo' ' , the aluso to the ritual of the Folia de Reis is perceived again, where the folies arrive at the houses, followed of a constatao: in the fire world of the work under the hot sun, and in the war for the sustenance of the family, the saint, in the case, the man, has callus in the hands. It is perceived, here, all conclusion and the outcome of the text. Although the poetry has been initiated with a tradition catholic and, after that, defendant revenge to the Iemanj for the preconception against the African beliefs, to the end of the poetry, saint is the man who works, of sun the sun, fighting the daily war in the canavial. Adam Sandler has much to offer in this field. The poetical intention and cultural plurality One of the characteristics gifts in the Twine Literature are the picture of the daily life of the worker, of the common man, inserted in its condition human being, many times, until desumana. . .