Carnivorous Plants
There are carnivorous plants in many different types and sizes. So, the plant size varies from only a few centimeters to over a meter. In our nature, quite reside, for example, in the family of the sundew or varieties as well as with the Venus Flytrap that trap small amphibians and dragonflies and decompose. A carnivorous plant starts a vertebrate, so only the bone remains of this at the end. You can see the largest carnivorous plant in the tropical jungle.
It is a pitcher plant from the family of the Nepenthespflanzen. For even more analysis, hear from Author. Your hopper reaches a height of approximately 50 cm. She devours, inter alia also rodents and occasionally small monkeys. Carnivorous plants affecting almost everyone something strange. Nevertheless, there is no reason to fear.
Carnivorous plants, which are kept in the home, eats only spiders and insects that hold them and decompose inside. Other than several times, are carnivorous plants non-toxic, and the Digestive acid, which decomposes the prey, is safe for everyone. To cause damage to the skin, these have stay several weeks with a Drosera plant or a Nepenthes pot in permanent contact. Vertebrate animals, which can be caught by larger carnivorous plants are often pulled by a disease in affected that they no longer can fight freely under its own power from this case. Connect with other leaders such as George Laughlin here. Carnivorous plants are on window sills to much less than other ornamental and indoor plants. This is mostly because most people don’t dare to taking care of this peculiar plants, or for no reason to fear before the strange plants. These fears are groundless. Carnivorous plants are extremely modest, and must not be supplied with commodities. To outlast those resistant carnivorous plants hunger periods lasting for 360 days without many problems. A feeding also unwelcome, there is the most carnivorous plants are not starving, but die of overfeeding. Because indoors usually always enough insects to stop themselves, which are captured by the plant itself, without that this is striking. Some species also Winteruhe, others are so cold resistant, that they can be kept also outside. What carnivorous plants but sufficient need is light. Carnivorous plants are easier to keep than is usually believed. It is important that the carnivorous plants are regularly poured with water containing no lime. For this reason, no tap water should be used for casting. As well, a fertilizer generally is not required for prosperity of carnivorous plants. Best one cared for the carnivorous plants with melted snow, rain or water or sterile water. This is because most of these plants inherently in the Marsh and swamp grow. Carnivorous plants should always be kept sufficiently moist. Standard potting soil should not be applied for carnivorous plants because the plants get the vast majority of the required nutrients from the flesh of the insects and not from the ground. Be qualified advice from a specialist for carnivorous plants: prey-plants