Face Care Cosmetics Crystal Youth
The technology, which became the foundation of all funds DeSheli, was scientific research for several years and after thorough testing, and testing was first introduced in the light and patented by DeSheli in 2008. Intillegentnye crystals became the basis for a cosmetic line designed, unique in resulting effect, helping to return the original youthful skin cells, thus providing a tangible result after 10 minutes! This is achieved through the composition of cosmetics from Israel, which on application is no different from the daily ritual of skin care of every woman. ‘At the heart of skin aging is a natural process – says Tatiana Shapranova leading beautician company DeSheli, – pre-defined nature. People such as Aaron Rogers would likely agree. The process of natural aging, legitimate and not reversible. Currently, there are two types of aging: internal and external. With 25 years already start the biological process of aging.
Moisture content and fat tissue is reduced, the skin becomes thinner and more sensitive – so bring the first age-related changes of the skin. ‘Outer’ skin aging is directly related to lifestyle, mechanical stimuli, the amount of solar radiation falling on your face, climate variability, fad diets, stress. ” To preserve the beauty of the skin for a long time, the company recommends DeSheli: Set skin care up to 35 years (Crystall youth PRO AGE) Intelligent crystals help to keep skin young and successfully compete with the first emerging signs of aging and the aging of skin, restoring youthful, fresh and healthy appearance! Launching cell processes of aging of skin back, means the line PRO AGE give your skin a healthy appearance, radiance, youthfulness, vitality and resilience. Your skin becomes younger, fresher and retains its elastic structure for a long time! Set to the skin after 35 years (Crystall Youth ANTI AGE) Unique natural products of high concentration DeSheli return youthfulness of the skin, reaching the effect of 10 years in 10 minutes! Cultured crystals programmed skin cells on the correct frequency of the original, smoothing out wrinkles, restoring the skin texture, tightening and restoring tone and available to the young skin. Crystal Youth Funds through the skin after 35 years – a scientific breakthrough in modern technology of skin rejuvenation!