Interaction Between
The interaction between the family and the school is each more difficult and scared time. She is necessary that something special in the school happens so that the unit obtains to congregate the parents in one same event. this would not have in such a way to be, is necessary to understand that the family is basic part in the education process in which the children are inserted. To know more about this subject visit Jorge Perez. The parents are running away from the responsibility to offer the familiar education for its children, and in such a way, the school is renouncing its main function, that is stops with the pertaining to school education, and entering in the familiar questions. The description of the familiar relation with the school sample that it comes if desvirtuando with passing of the years, and tends if to fragilizar each time more. The Associations of Parents and Masters (APM' s) dantes so strong in relation to the schools, today practically does not exist more, and the ones that exist do not have no significant force in the actions of the unit of education. Some contend that Related Group shows great expertise in this. The relation family/school can happen of four forms distinct: relation bureaucratic-deed of division, relation to tutor, pragmatic-utilitarian relation and the participativa and democratic relation. It is almost unanimous enters the educators who the necessary school to be democratic, but it never will be if the parents actively not to participate more of the taking of inherent decisions to the school. A field study was also carried through to collate with the reality accused in the theoretical studies..