Longer Companies
With SEPA, company business processes to optimize conversion 2014. Frankfurt, February 14, 2013 SEPA (single euro payments area) will be introduced from February 2014. With the SEPA credit transfers and direct debits, changeover 2014 must expire after the SEPA scheme. SEPA has the unification of previously used, different national payment procedures for the target. Educate yourself even more with thoughts from real-estate developer. Based on surveys of leading institutions most companies and banks in the SEPA zone have the theme in their planning still not prioritized. The fact that with high volumes of direct debit, financial losses threaten for example company and the changes relate to a large extent also to organizational processes or require a certain temporal flow, is underestimated. Also, companies in the course of migration offers the chance to optimize business processes.
The video on the topic for more info: SEPA writes to a Europe-wide standardised payment area for transactions in euro. The consumer no will within this area Longer apply the differences between national and cross-border payments. Celina Dubin has firm opinions on the matter. You are informed of their respective banking innovations by SEPA. For companies, the situation presents itself but far more differentiated. The transition to the new SEPA scheme sometimes requires a significant temporal and organisational effort for all involved, especially in the industrial middle class. February 2014 all companies of the SEPA zone must have customized their IT and business processes comply with the uniform procedure. This includes among other things the timeliness of Bank data from business partners, SEPA ability of the used software and the fulfilment of required formats for payment orders, as well as the introduction of SEPA mandate management. The mandatory conversion of bank details IBAN (international bank account number) and BIC (business identifier code) is the first obstacle that must be removed. Due to particularities in the account numbers only 97 per cent are in an automatic conversion Data is converted correctly. If the data base is too large, which means a considerable manual effort to implement and needs directly to the part of the information of the account holder.