Sustainable Development
With this reinforcement you discipline of them, our subject also gains force so that then it can be developed with efficiency in the school. For this our project was divided in stages, having favored the deepening in the proposal suggested, as well as a time established for one better planning. Leaving of our central subject that has for objective to be transparent the real goal of this work, that in question is the practical realist of the term Sustainable Development favoring one better perception of the pupil. Subject this that will pass to be studied under the look of different actors, having as objective not a definition of the term, more yes a social reflection continues and indagadora of all enclaves. 8,1 Project step by step, contents programmarians as allies. Having the learning of geography as instruments for reflection, the pupils had searched different forms of vision of the notion of the Sustainable Development, making with this the agreement of the termologia in its surrounding space partner it is more the concrete and he criticizes possible. At the first moment the professor will approach the questions that permeiam the pseudo-conceptualization of the term Sustainable Development, relating investigations for the group in relation to the conceptualization.
Soon later the group he will be divided in armed groups of different didactic books and texts on the term in focus; where we will make an analogy of previous books the ECO-92 and the posterior ones to the event. After that these groups had elaborated a questionnaire that will be argued with the mediation of the professor. The groups had answered the questionnaires elaborated for its friends of classroom, having had as main focus an empirical boarding in the answers of the groups, to prevent a bibliographical reproduction. As it finishes task the groups will confection a referring conceptualization to the Sustainable Development, leading in it counts didactic books (before the ECO-92 and the launched ones after the event), the communication made for the professor, leaving of its locality of the pupil and with its empirismo, the groups sociabilizaram the different concepts that will have the supervision of the professor previously not to occur errors and distortions.