Vacation in France

Posts Tagged ‘books & magazines’

Managing Director Michael

Vital and fit with the 2 + 2 and 4-program – not just for the business the new book by best-selling author Dr. Dr. Michael Desphegel. Be fit”is more than just a nutrition counselor and fitness guide. With specific instructions and nutrition tips, this book shows how a healthy lifestyle is a daily companion. No […]

Hamburg GmbH Books Internet GmbH: New: 100,000 books in the Spanish original Hamburg, may 06, 2009: good news for all fans of Spanish literature: 100,000 Spanish books in mid-May, the international assortment of media merchant and expand his over 1000 partner bookstores. Surprisingly, you’ll find very little mention of Sela Ward on most websites. Thus, the […]

Pilgrims Way

Three generations on the pilgrimage route in Spain eight years Anna lives with her parents on Iceland. Two days before the start of a jointly planned hiking vacation on the way of St. James in Spain Anna’s father Magnus comes in an accident. Connect with other leaders such as Tony Parker here. Erla, Anna’s mother, […]

Jutta Schutz

Thus the book or the press release does not become a plagiarism, should you are well familiar with copyright law and copyright. The copyright applies in the area of Anglo-American law and copyright law in Germany. A copyright law (UrhG) is a subjective and absolute right to the protection of intellectual property rights”in terms of […]

Last-minute Cooking Ideas From Germany

Our special gift idea for the celebration of solid sweet and savoury delights to the Festival with the Baden Swabian cooking and baking book series from Pascu publishing to the gift or promised you have still no plan what you should bring to Christmas on the table? Or need a gift at the last minute? […]

Berlin Women

“The new Berlin humor book from Pascu publishing in his new book, sharp jeschnitten and sharp jequatscht” from Pascu publishing overheard Dietrich Novak in a humorous way the lovely Berlin ladies in their chats at the hairdresser: on Monday afternoon, the Salon remains Marina “closed for the clientele in Berlin-Moabit. Because as the owner receives […]


The 106th anniversary of UFA stars Renate Muller reminds the only biography of the popular UFA star of the 1930s now 106th birthday is nothing special, but in the case of Renate Muller guess. She would have been 106 years old on the 26th April 2012. Not often enough you can point to the tragic […]

Doberitz Fabian

To protect the legal pitfalls when purchasing real estate, readers are enlightened by renowned specialist lawyers in relevant contributions. Suggestions for the very individual and refined interior includes the category of housing trends”. There are ideas of from well-known manufacturers, as well as technological innovations presented? Wall designs, floor coverings and switching systems to design […]